Saturday, April 29, 2017

To Sophie, Love Mom

My Dear Sweet Sophie, 
Today I give to you the gift of blogging.  Growing up I wish I had this outlet.  Here lies your ability to share your thoughts, feelings, adventures, dreams, hopes, struggles, and of course, pictures. Always remember that while your intent may be to share with friends and family, you are in fact sharing this page with the world. Always season your words with honest grace, and never sarcasm.
I hope this outlet proves as therapeutic for you as it has me. May it give you the ability to share as much or little of yourself as you chose. 
Remember, you are giving others a peek through a window into your life.  You must promise me to always be honest, and kind.  When those two paths collide, opt for silence.
Enjoy your little space here.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Sophie. I can hardly wait to see what's going on. I love u. Gma-J
